The convention
place at the Konrad Adenauer conference Center, Mishkenot-Sha'ananim, in the beautiful Yemin Moshe quarter of Jerusalem, on
the 26-28 of June

Hagai Bergman (The Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, ISRAEL)
Mark Gluck (Newark Neuroscience Center, Rutgers University, USA)
Click here for a press release
item from
Rutgers-Newark online.

The Hebrew University, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Alpha Omega Group, NIH
(National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National
Institute on Drug Abuse), Rutgers University – Newark,
The Alafi Family Foundation, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation,
Lowenstein Foundation.

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Acrobat Reader format.
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Trevor Robbins (Cambridge University, UK) Dopamine-dependent
functions of the basal ganglia in cognition: studies in rats,
monkeys and humans.
Nathaniel Daw (UC. London, UK) Different computational
strategies for learning in the cortex and basal ganglia.
Daphna Shohamy (Stanford, USA) Basal Ganglia - Medial
Temporal Lobe Interaction in Learning and Transfer Generalization.
Mark Gluck (Rutgers-Newark, USA) The Cognitive Neuroscience
of Associative Learning with Error-Correcting Feedback.
Paul Bolam (Oxford, UK) Functional anatomy of dopamine and
the basal ganglia.
Alim Louis Benabid (Grenoble, France) Neurosurgical
treatments of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders.
Daphna Joel (Tel Aviv University, Israel) The role of
dopamine in stopping behavior.
Thomas Boraud (Univ. Bordeaux, France) Interaction between
cognitive and motor information in the basal ganglia.
David Eidelberg (North Shore, LI, USA) Comparative effects of
levodopa and deep brain stimulation on brain network modulation in
Parkinson's disease.
Jean Saint-Cyr (Toronto, Canada) Dopamine, learning and
gambling in Parkinson's disease: A clinical perspective.
Suszanne Haber (Rochester, USA) 3D Reconstructions of
cortico-striatal pathways demonstrate a complex interface between
functional circuits.
Hagai Bergman (Hebrew University, Israel) Learning to decide:
Dopamine and basal ganglia networks in the normal and the
Parkinsonian brain.


