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Bergman H., Wichmann T. and DeLong M.R. Reversal of Experimental Parkinsonism by Lesions of the Subthalamic Nucleus. Science. 249: 1436-1438, 1990 [PDF]

Nini A, Feingold A, Slovin H and Bergman H. Neurons in the globus pallidus do not show correlated activity in the normal monkey, but phase-locked oscillations appear in the MPTP model of parkinsonism. J. of Neurophysiology, 74(4):1800-5, 1995 [PDF]

A. Raz, E. Vaadia and H. Bergman. Firing patterns and correlations of spontaneous discharge of pallidal neurons in the normal and tremulous MPTP Vervet model of Parkinsonism. J. of Neuroscience, 20(22): 8559-8571, 2000 [PDF]

Izhar Bar-Gad, Genela Morris and Hagai Bergman, Information processing, dimensionality reduction and reinforcement learning in the basal ganglia; Progress in Neurobiology, 71(6): 439-473, 2003 [PDF]

Genela Morris, David Arkadir, Alon Nevet, Eilon Vaadia and Hagai Bergman, Coincident but distinct messages of midbrain dopamine and striatal tonically active neurons, Neuron, 43: 133-143, 2004 [PDF]

Joshua M, Adler A, Prut Y, Vaadia E, Wickens JR and Bergman H Synchronization of midbrain dopaminergic neurons is enhanced by rewarding events. Neuron. 62:695-704, 2009.

Zaidel, A, Spivak A, Grieb B, Bergman H, Israel Z. Subthalamic span of beta oscillations predicts deep brain stimulation efficacy for patients with Parkinson's disease. Brain. 133:2007-21, 2010

Boris Rosin, Maya Slovik, Rea Mitelman, Michal Rivlin-Etzion, Suzanne N. Haber, Zvi Israel, Eilon Vaadia and Hagai Bergman. Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation Is Superior in Ameliorating Parkinsonism. Neuron. 72(2):370-384, 2011.

Basal Ganglia, Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders

Bergman H., Wichmann T. and DeLong M.R. Reversal of Experimental Parkinsonism by Lesions of the Subthalamic Nucleus. Science. 249: 1436-1438, 1990 [PDF]

Bergman H., Wichmann T. and DeLong M.R. Effects of Lesions of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinsonism in: Adeleman G. and Smith B. Eds, Neuroscience Year: Supplement to the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, pp 122-124, 1993

Wichmann T., Bergman H., and DeLong M. The primate subthalamic nucleus: I. Functional properties in intact animals. J. of Neurophysiology. 72: 494-506, 1994 [PDF]

Bergman H., Wichmann T., Karmon B. and DeLong M. The primate subthalamic nucleus: II. Neural activity in the subthalamic nucleus and pallidum in the MPTP model of Parkinsonism. J. of Neurophysiology. 72: 507-520, 1994 [PDF]

Wichmann T, Bergman H., and DeLong M. The primate subthalamic nucleus: III: Changes in behavioral and pallidal neuronal activities induced by STN inactivation in the MPTP model of Parkinsonism. J. of Neurophysiology 72: 521-530, 1994 [PDF]

Bergman H., Wichmann T., Karmon B., and DeLong MR. Parkinsonian tremor is associated with low frequency neuronal oscillations in selective loops of the basal ganglia. in: The basal Ganglia IV, EDT: G. Percheron, Plenum Press, pp 317-326, 1994

Nini A., Feingold A., Slovin H., and Bergman H. Neurons in the globus pallidus do not show correlated activity in the normal monkey, but phase-locked oscillations appear in the MPTP model of Parkinsonism. J. of Neurophysiology. 74: 1800-1805, 1995 [PDF]

Raz, A., Feingold, A., Zelanskaya V., and Bergman H. Neuronal synchronization of tonically active neurons in the striatum of normal and Parkinsonian primates. J. of Neurophysiology. 76(3): 2083-2088, 1996 [PDF]

Feingold A., Nini A., Raz, A., Zelanskaya, V. and Bergman H. Functional connectivity and information processing in the basal ganglia of normal and Parkinsonian monkeys. in: The Basal Ganglia V, EDT: G. Percheron, Plenum Press, DT: Ohye, C., Kimura M. and McKenzie, JS. pp 217-223, 1996

H. Bergman, A. Feingold, A. Nini, A. Raz, H. Slovin, M. Abeles and E. Vaadia. Physiological aspects of information processing in the basal ganglia of normal and parkinsonian primates. Trends in Neuroscience, 21: 32-38, 1998 [PDF]

H. Bergman, A. Raz, A. Feingold, A. Nini, I. Nelken, D. Hansel, H. Ben-Pazi and A. Reches; Physiology of MPTP tremor, Movement Disorders, 13(S3): 29-34, 1998

H. Slovin, M. Abeles, I. Haalman, Y. Prut, E. Vaadia, V. Zelenskaya and H. Bergman Frontal Cognitive Impairments and Saccadic Deficits in Low-Dose MPTP Treated Monkeys. J. of Neurophysiology, 81(2): 858-874, 1999 [PDF]

T. Wichmann, H. Bergman, P.A. Starr, T. Subramanian, R.L. Watts and MR DeLong; Comparison of MPTP-induced changes in spontaneous neuronal discharge in the internal pallidal segment and in the substantia nigra pars reticulata in primates. Exp Brain Research 125: 397-409, 1999

I.Bar-Gad, G. Havazelet-Heimer, E. Ruppin and H. Bergman, Reinforcement driven dimensionality reduction - a model for information processing in the basal ganglia, J. Basic and Clin. Physiol. Phram, 11(4): 305-320, 2000 [PDF]

A. Raz, E. Vaadia and H. Bergman. Firing patterns and correlations of spontaneous discharge of pallidal neurons in the normal and tremulous MPTP Vervet model of Parkinsonism. J. Of Neuroscience, 20(22): 8559-8571, 2000 [PDF]

H. Ben-Pazi, H. Bergman, J A. Goldberg, N. Giladi, D. Hansel, A. Reches, E.S. Simon. Synchrony of rest tremor in multiple limbs in Parkinson's disease: evidence for multiple oscillators, J. Neural Transmission, 108(3): 287-296, 2001 [PDF]

I. Bar-Gad, Y. Ritov and H. Bergman, The neuronal refractory period causes a short-term peak in the autocorrelation function, J. of Neuroscience Methods, 104: 155-163, 2001 [PDF]

Raz, V. Frechter-Mazar, A. Feingold, M. Abeles, E. Vaadia and H. Bergman. Activity of pallidal and striatal tonically active neurons is correlated in MPTP treated monkeys but not in normal monkeys. J. Of Neuroscience, 21(RC128): 1-5, 2001 [PDF]

I. Bar-Gad, Y. Ritov, E. Vaadia and H. Bergman, Failure in identification of overlapping spikes from multiple neuron activity causes artificial correlation, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 107: 1-13, 2001 [PDF]

I. Bar-Gad and H. Bergman, Stepping out of the box: information processing in the neural networks of the basal ganglia, Current opinions in Neurobiology, 11/6: 689-695, 2001 [PDF]

G. Peled, H. Bergman and G. Goelman, Bilateral overactivation of the sensrimotor cortex in the unilateral rodent model of Parkinson's disease - a functional magentic resonanace imaging study, European Journal of Neuroscience, 15: 389-394, 2002 [PDF]

H. Bergman and G. Deuschl, Pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease: From clinical neurology to basic neuroscience and back, Movement Disorders, 17 (S3): 28-40, 2002 [PDF]

G. Deuschl and H. Bergman, Pathophysiology of nonparkinsonan tremors, Movement Disorders, 17 (S3): 41-48, 2002 [PDF]

J.A. Goldberg, S. Maraton, T. Boraud, S.N. Haber, E. Vaadia & H. Bergman, Enhanced synchrony among primary motor cortex neurons in the MPTP primate model of Parkinson's disease, J. of Neuroscience, 22(11): 4639-4653, 2002 [PDF]

Heimer G., Bar-Gad I., Goldberg JA and Bergman H. Dopamine replacement therapy reverses abnormal synchronization of pallidal neurons in the MPTP primate model of Parkinsonism, J. of Neuroscience, 22(18): 7850-7855, 2002 [PDF]

Shatner M., Havazelet-Heimer G., Raz A. and Bergman H. Cognitive Decision Processes And Functional Characteristics Of The Basal Ganglia Reward System in: The Basal Ganglia VI, EDT, S. Kitai, M. DeLong and A. Graybiel, Plenum Press, pp 303-309, 2002 [PDF]

G. Morris, D. Arkadir and H. Bergman, Reinforcement neuronal signals and dimensionality reduction in the cortico-basal ganglia system. In: Catecholamine Research: From Molecular Insight to Medicine, edt: Toshiharu Nagatsu, Roshitaka Nabeshima, Richard McCarthy,David Goldstein, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp 369-372, 2002

G. Morris, A. Raz, D. Arkadir and H. Bergman, Striatal TANs do not report prediction error, The Basal Ganglia VII, Advances in behavioral biology, Vol 52, editors: Louise F.B. Nicholson and Richard L.M. Faull, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Chapter 19, pp 173-180, 2002

J A. Goldberg, T. Boraud, S. Maraton, E. Vaadia, and H. Bergman, Enhanced Synchrony In The Primary Motor Cortex Of MPTP Primates May Underlie Muscle Co-Contraction And Rigidity, The Basal Ganglia VII, Advances in behavioral biology, Vol 52, editors: Louise F.B. Nicholson and Richard L.M. Faull, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Chapter 11, pp 97-106, 2002

G. Heimer, I. Bar-Gad, J. A. Goldberg and H. Bergman, Synchronization Of Pallidal Activity In The MPTP Primate Model Of Parkinsonism Is Not Limited To Oscillatory Activity, The Basal Ganglia VII, Advances in behavioral biology, Vol 52, editors: Louise F.B. Nicholson and Richard L.M. Faull, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Chapter 4, pp 29-34, 2002

A. Scheiman, R. Attia, H. Bergman, H. Ben-Pazi Age Related Accelerated Tapping Response in Healthy Populations, Perceptual and motor skills, 96: 227-235, 2003

Izhar Bar-Gad, Gali Heimer, Ya'acov Ritov and Hagai Bergman, Functional correlations between neighboring neurons in the primate Globus Pallidus are weak or nonexistent, J. of Neuroscience, 23(10): 4012-4016, 2003 [PDF]

Ben-Pazi H, Gross-Tsur V, Bergman H, Shalev RS. Abnormal rhythmic motor response in children with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder. Dev Med Child Neurol. 45(11): 743-5, 2003

Izhar Bar-Gad, Genela Morris and Hagai Bergman, Information processing, dimensionality reduction and reinforcement learning in the basal ganglia; Progress In Neurobiology, 71(6): 439-473, 2003

G. Morris, A. Nevet and H. Bergman, Anatomical funneling, sparse connectivity and redundancy reduction in the neural networks of the basal ganglia, Journal of Physiology - Paris, 97: 581-589, 2003 [PDF]

Alon Nevet, Genela Morris, Guy Saban, Nina Fainstein and Hagai Bergman Rate of Substantia Nigra Reticulata Neurons Is Reduced In Non-Parkinsonian Monkeys With Orofacial Dyskinesia; J. of Neurophysiol. 92(4): 1973-81, 2004 [PDF]

Joshua A. Goldberg, Uri Rokni, Thomas Boraud, Eilon Vaadia and Hagai Bergman, Spike synchronization in parkinsonian primates reflects the dynamics of local field potentials; J of Neuroscience, 24: 6003-6010, 2004 [PDF]

Genela Morris, David Arkadir, Alon Nevet, Eilon Vaadia and Hagai Bergman, Coincident but distinct messages of midbrain dopamine and striatal tonically active neurons, Neuron, 43: 133-143, 2004 [PDF]

Bar-Gad I., Elias S., Bergman H., Complex locking rather than complete cessation of neuronal activity in the globus pallidus of an MPTP treated primate in response to pallidal microstimulation, Journal of Neuroscience, 24: 9410-9419, 2004 [PDF]

David Arkadir, Genela Morris, Eilon Vaadia and Hagai Bergman, Pallidal neurons dynamically convey information on both movement direction and prediction of reward; Conditionally accepted to Journal of Neuroscience, Sept 2004

J A. Goldberg, T. Boraud and H. Bergman, Microrecording in the primate MPTP model, Chapter 6, In: Microelectrode recording in movement disorder surgery, Editors Zvi Israel and Kim Burchiel, Thieme, 2004

Jonathan Dostrovsky and Hagai Bergman Oscillatory activity in the basal ganglia - relation to normal physiology and pathophysiology, Editorial, Brain, 127(Pt 4): 721-2, 2004

G. Morris, Y. Hershkovitz, A. Raz, A. Nevet and H. Bergman; Physiological studies of information processing in the normal and Parkinsonian basal ganglia: Pallidal activity in Go/No-Go task and following MPTP treatment, Progress in brain research, Volume 147, Development, dynamics and pathology of neuronal networks: from molecules to functional circuits, Chapter 21, Edited By, J. Van Pelt, M. Kamermans, C.N. Levelt, A. Van Ooyen, G.J.A. Ramakers And P.R. Roelfsema, Elsevier, 2004

J.P. Bolam (Rapporteur), H. Bergman, A. Graybiel, M. Kimura, D. Plenz, H.S. Seung, D.J. Surmeier, J.R. Wickens Molecules, Microcircuits and Motivated Behaviour: Microcircuits in the Striatum; in: Grillner, S. et al.. Microcircuits: The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function. Dahlem Workshop Report 93. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, in press. 2005

Hagai Bergman, Minoru Kimura and Jeff Wickens; Modulation of striatal circuits by dopamine and acetylcholine; in: Grillner, S. et al.. Microcircuits: The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function. Dahlem Workshop Report 93. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, in press. 2005

Anan Moran, Izhar Bar-Gad, Hagai Bergman, Zvi Israel (2006): Real-time refinement of subthalamic nucleus targeting using Bayesian decision-making on the root mean square measure. Movement Disorders, 21(9), 1425-1431, 2006[PDF]

Y. Ben-Shaul, L. BenMoyal-Segal, S. Ben-Ari, H. Bergman and H. Soreq (2006): Adaptive acetylcholinesterase splicing patterns attenuate 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced Parkinsonism in mice. European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 23, pp. 2915-2922. [PDF]

Heimer G., Rivlin M., Israel Z. and Bergman H., Synchronizing activity of basal ganglia and pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease, J Neural Transm Suppl. 2006;17-20 [PDF]

Rivlin-Etzion M., Marmor O., Heimer G., Raz A,. Nini A. and Bergman H. Basal ganglia oscillations and pathophysiology of movement disorders. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol., 2006 Dec; vol. 16, pp. 629-637[PDF]

Hilla Ben-Pazi;Ruth S Shalev; Varda Gross-Tsur; Hagai Bergman. Age and medication effects on rhythmic responses in ADHD: Possible oscillatory mechanisms?, Neuropsycoholgia, 44(3):412-6, 2006.

Michal Rivlin, Ya'acov Ritov, Gali Haimer, Hagai Bergman and Izhar Bar-Gad. Local shuffling of spike trains boosts the accuracy of spike train spectral analysis, Journal of Neurophysiology 95, 3245-3256, 2006[PDF]

A. Leblois, T. Boraud,  W. Meissner,  H. Bergman, David Hansel, Competition between feedback loops underlie normal and pathological dynamics in the basal ganglia. J. Neurosci.,26, pp. 3567-3583, 2006[PDF]

Gali Heimer, Michal Rivlin, Izhar Bar-Gad, Joshua A. Goldberg and Hagai Bergman Dopamine replacement therapy does not restore the full spectrum of normal pallidal activity in the 1-Meythyl-4-phenyl=1,2,3,6-tetra-hydropyridine primate model of Parkinsonism, Journal of Neuroscience,  26(31), 8101-8114, 2006[PDF]

Morris G., Nevet A., Arkadir D., Vaadia E. and Bergman H. Midbrain dopamine neurons encode decisions for future action. Nat Neurosci 9:1057-1063, 2006.[PDF]

Elias S., Joshua M., Goldberg JA., Heimer G., Arkadir D., Morris G. and Bergman H. Statistical properties of pauses of the high-frequency discharge neurons in the external segment of the globus pallidus. J. Neurosci. 2007 Mar 7;vol. 27(10), pp. 2525-38[PDF]

Constance Hammond, Hagai Bergman and Peter Brown, Pathological synchronization in Parkinson's disease: networks, models and treatments, Trends in Neuroscience; 30(7):357-64, 2007[PDF]

Nevet A., Morris G., Saban G., Arkadir D. and Bergman H. Lack of spike-count and spike-time correlations in the substantia nigra reticulata despite overlap of neural responses. J. Neurophysiol. 2007 Oct; vol 98(4), pp.2232-43.[PDF]

Israel Z, Bergman H. Pathophysiology of the basal ganglia and movement disorders: From animal models to human clinical applications. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 2007 Sep 4;[PDF]

Pelled G., Bergman H., Ben-Hur T. and Goelman G.  Manganese-enhanced MRI in a rat model of Parkinson's disease, .J Magn. Reson. Imaging. 26(4):863-70, 2007[PDF]

Boris Rosin, Alon Nevet, Shelomo Elias, Michal Rivlin-Etzion, Zvi Israel and Hagai Bergman; Physiology and Pathophysiology of the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loops, Proceedings of the XVII WFN world congress on Parkinson's disease and related disorders. 2007. pp. s347-s349 [PDF]

Michal Rivlin-Etzion, Odeya Marmor, Guy Saban, Boris Rosin, Suzanne Haber, Eilon Vaadia, Yifat Prut and Hagai Bergman. Low-pass filter properties of basal ganglia-cortical-muscle loops in the normal and MPTP primate model of Parkinsonism, Journal of Neuroscience,  January 16, 2008, 28(3):633-649 [PDF]

Zaidel A, Moran A, Marjan G, Bergman H, Israel Z; Prior pallidotomy reduces and modifies neuronal activity in the subthalamic nucleus of Parkinson's disease patients, European Journal of Neuroscience Vol. 27, pp 483-491, 2008. [PDF] Erratum to this paper can be found here: [PDF]

Zaidel A, Arkadir D, Israel Z, Bergman H Akineto-rigid vs. tremor syndromes in Parkinsonism. Curr Opin Neurol 2009 22:387-393.[PDF]

Zaidel A, Spivak A, Shpigelman L, Bergman H and Israel Z Delimiting sub-territories of the human subthalamic nucleus by means of microelectrode recordings and a Hidden Markov Model. Mov Disord, Vol 24. No. 12, pp 1785-1793, 2009. [PDF]

Joshua M, Adler A, Prut Y, Vaadia E, Wickens JR and Bergman H Synchronization of midbrain dopaminergic neurons is enhanced by rewarding events. Neuron. 62:695-704, 2009.

Joshua M, Adler A, Rosin B, Vaadia E, Bergman H. Encoding of probabilistic rewarding and aversive events by pallidal and nigral neurons. J Neurophysiol. 101:758-72, 2009.

Joshua, M, Adler A, Bergman H. The dynamics of dopamine in control of motor behavior. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 19:615-20, 2009.

Zaidel, A, Bergman H, Ritov Y, Israel Z. Levodopa and subthalamic deep brain stimulation responses are not congruent. Mov Disord. 25:2379-86, 2010

Redgrave P, Rodriguez M, Smith Y, Rodriguez-Oroz MC, Lehericy S, Bergman H, Agid Y, DeLong MR, Obeso JA Goal-directed and habitual control in the basal ganglia: implications for Parkinson's disease. Nat Rev Neurosci. 11:760-72, 2010

Raz A, Eimerl D, Zaidel A, Bergman H, Israel Z. Propofol decreases neuronal population spiking activity in the subthalamic nucleus of Parkinsonian patients. Anesth Analg. 111:1285-9, 2010

Goldberg JH, Adler A, Bergman H, Fee MS Singing-related neural activity distinguishes two putative pallidal cell types in the songbird basal ganglia: comparison to the primate internal and external pallidal segments. J Neurosci. 30:7088-98, 2010

Zaidel, A, Spivak A, Grieb B, Bergman H, Israel Z. Subthalamic span of beta oscillations predicts deep brain stimulation efficacy for patients with Parkinson's disease. Brain. 133:2007-21, 2010

Adler A, Joshua M, Rivlin-Etzion M, Mitelman R, Marmor O, Prut Y, Bergman H. Neurons in both pallidal segments change their firing properties similarly prior to closure of the eyes. J Neurophysiol. 103:346-59, 2010

Morris, G, Schmidt R, Bergman H Striatal action-learning based on dopamine concentration. Exp Brain Res. 200:307-17, 2010

Angelaki DE, Bergman H. Motor systems. Current opinion in neurobiology. 20(6):687-8, 2010

Rivlin-Etzion M, Elias S, Heimer G, Bergman H. Computational physiology of the basal ganglia in Parkinson's disease. Prog Brain Res. 183:259-73, 2010

Joshua M, Adler A, Bergman H. Novelty encoding by the output neurons of the Basal Ganglia. Front Syst Neurosci. 3:20, 2010

Soreq L, Bergman H, Goll Y, Greenberg DS, Israel Z, Soreq H. Deep brain stimulation induces rapidly reversible transcript changes in Parkinson's leukocytes. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, 2011

Benmoyal-Segal, L, Soreq L, Ben-Shaul Y, Ben-Ari S, Ben-Moshe T, Aviel S, Bergman H, Soreq H. Adaptive Alternative Splicing Correlates with Less Environmental Risk of Parkinsonism. Neuro-degenerative diseases, 2011

Parush, N, Tishby N, Bergman H. Dopaminergic Balance between Reward Maximization and Policy Complexity. Frontiers in systems neuroscience. 5:22, 2011

Mitelman R, Rosin B, Zadka H, Slovik M, Heimer G, Ritov Y, Bergman H, Elias S. Neighboring Pallidal Neurons Do Not Exhibit more Synchronous Oscillations than Remote Ones in the MPTP Primate Model of Parkinson's Disease. Frontiers in systems neuroscience. 5:54, 2011

Rosin B, Slovik M, Mitelman R, Rivlin-Etzion M, Haber S, Israel Z, Vaadia E, Bergman H. Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation Is Superior in Ameliorating Parkinsonism. Neuron. 72(2):370-384, 2011.

Adler A., Katabi S., Finkes I., Prut Y. and Bergman H. Temporal convergence of dynamic cell assemblies in the striato-pallidal network. J Neurosci., 15;32(7):2473-84, 2012.

Frontal cortex

Vaadia E., Bergman H. and Abeles M. Neuronal Activities related to higher brain functions -Theoretical and experimental implications. IEEE - Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 36(1): 25-35, 1989

Abeles M, Vaadia E. and Bergman H. Firing patterns of single units in the prefrontal cortex and neural network models. Network 1: 13-25, 1990

Vaadia E., Ahissar E., Bergman H. and Lavner Y. Correlated activity of neurons: a neural code for higher brain functions? in: J. Kruger (ed) : Neuronal Cooperativity, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp 249-279, 1990

Aertsen A., Vaadia E., and Abeles M., Ahissar E., Bergman H., Karmon B., Lavener Y., Margalit E., Nelken I., and Rotter S. Neural Interactions in the Frontal Cortex of Behaving Monkey: Signs of Dependence on Stimulus Context and Behavioral State. J. Hirnforsch 32(6): 735-743, 1991

Galun M., Ahissar E., Bergman H. and Vaadia E. Encoding of sound sources location and movement: The activity of single neurons and interaction between adjacent neurons in the primary auditory cortex of monkeys. J. of Neurophysiology, 67(1): 203-215, 1992

Ahissar E., Vaadia E., Galun M., Bergman H., Arieli A. and Abeles M. Dependence of cortical Plasticity on correlated activity of single neurons and on behavioral context. Science 257: 1412-1415, 1992

Aertsen A., Vaadia E., Abeles M., Ahissar E., Bergman H., Karmon B., Lavener Y., Margalit E., Nelken I., and Rotter S. Dynamics of coherence in cortical neural activity: Experimental observations and functional interpretations. International Journal of Neural Systems 3: 105-114, 1992 (Supp.)

Abeles M., Bergman H., Margalit E., and Vaadia E. Spatio temporal firing patterns in the frontal cortex of behaving monkeys. J. of Neurophysiology 70: 1629-1638, 1993

Abeles M., Vaadia E., Bergman H., Prut Y., Haalman I., and Slovin H. Dynamics of neuronal interactions in the frontal cortex of behaving monkeys. Concepts in Neuroscience 4: 131-158, 1993

Abeles M., Prut Y., Bergman H., Vaadia E. and Aertsen A. Integration, Synchronicity and Periodicity. in: Brain Theory: Spatio-Temporal aspects of brain function. EDT:. A. Aertsen. pp 149-181, Elsvier Sci-Pub, 1993

Abeles M., Prut Y., Bergman H., Vaadia E. Synchronization in neuronal transmission and its importance for information processing. in: Temporal coding in the brain, EDT: G. Buzsaki et al., Springer Verlag, pp 39-50, 1994

Vaadia E.,Haalman I.,Abeles M., Bergman H., Prut Y., Slovin H and Aertsen, H. Dynamics of neuronal interactions in monkey cortex in relation to behavioral events. Nature, 373: 515-518, 1995

Abeles, M., Bergman, H., Gat, I., Meilijson, I., Seidemann, E., Tishby, N. and Vaadia, E. Cortical activity flips among quasi-stationary states. PNAS, 92: 8616-8620, 1995

Seidemann E., Meilejson I., Abeles M., Bergman H., and Vaadia E. Simultaneously recorded single units in the frontal cortex go through sequence of discrete and stable states in monkeys performing a delayed localization task. J. of Neuroscience 16(2): 752-768, 1995

Y. Prut, E. Vaadia, H. Bergman, I. Haalman, H. Slovin and M. Abeles. Spatio Temporal Structure of Cortical Activity: Properties and Behavioral Relevance. J. of Neurophysiology 79: 2857-2874, 1998

O. Donchin, A. Gribova, O. Steinberg, H. Bergman and E. Vaadia, Primary motor cortex is involved in bimanual coordination. Nature, 395: 274-278, 1998

E. Margalit, M. Abeles and H. Bergman Sensory-Motor Transformation and Motor planning in the Primate Frontal Cortex. J. Basic and Clin. Physiol. Phram, 10(2): 79-103, 1999

O Donchin, A Gribova, O Steinberg, H Bergman, S Cardoso De Oliveira and E Vaadia. Local field potentials related to bimanual movements in the primary and suplementary motor cortices. Exp. Brain Research, 140: 46-55, 2001 [PDF]

S Cardoso De Oliveira, A. Gribova, O Donchin, H Bergman, and E Vaadia. Neual interactions between motor cortical hemishepers during bimanual and unimanaual arm movements. European J. of Neuroscience, 14: 1881-1896, 2001 [PDF]

O. Steinberg, O. Donchin, A. Gribova, S. Cardoso de Oliveira, H. Bergman, E. Vaadia, Neuronal populations in primary motor cortex encode bimanual arm movements, European Journal of Neuroscience, 15: 1371-1380, 2002 [PDF]

Gribova A., Donchin O., Bergman H. , Vaadia E. , Cardoso de Oliveira, S., Timing of bimanual movements in human and non-human primates in relation to neuronal activity in primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area, Experimental Brain Research, 146(3): 322-35, 2002

Donchin O., Gribova A., Steinberg O., Mitz A.R., Bergman H. and Vaadia E. Single-Unit Activity Related to Bimanual Arm Movements in the Primary and Supplementary Motor Cortices, Journal of Neurophysiology, 88: 3498-3517, 2002

Rony Paz, Thomas Boraud, Chen Natan, Hagai Bergman and Eilon Vaadia, Preparatory activity in motor cortex reflects learning of local visuomotor skills, Nature Neuroscience, 6(8): 882-890, 2003 [PDF]

Rony Paz, Chen Nathan, Thomas Boraud, Hagai Bergman, and Eilon Vaadia, Acquisition and Generalization of Visuomotor Transformations by Nonhuman Primates, Exp. Brain Res. In press, 2004


Bergman H. and DeLong M. A personal computer based spike sorter: implantation and evaluation. J. Neuroscience Methods 41: 187-197, 1992

Karmon B. and Bergman H. Detection of neuronal periodic oscillations in the basal ganglia of normal and parkinsonian monkeys. Is. J. Med. Science 29: 570-579, 1993

Mehta M. and Bergman H. Loss of frequencies in auto-correlations and a procedure to recover them, J. Neuroscience Methods, 62: 65-71, 1995

Y. Ben-Shaul, H. Bergman, Y. Ritov and M. Abeles, Trial to Trial Variability in Stimulus or Action Causes Apparent Correlation and Synchrony in Neuronal Activity, J. of Neuroscience Methods, 111: 99-110, 2001 [PDF]

Y. Ritov, A. Raz, and H. Bergman, Detection of onset of neuronal activity using an empirical Bayes change point analysis, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 122: 25-42, 2002 [PDF]

I. Bar-Gad, Y. Ritov and H. Bergman, The High Frequency Discharge Of Pallidal Neurons Disrupts The Interpretation Of Pallidal Correlation Functions, The Basal Ganglia VII, Advances in behavioral biology, Vol 52, editors: Louise F.B. Nicholson and Richard L.M. Faull, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Chapter 5, pp 35-42, 2002 [PDF]

D. Arkadir, .Y Ben-Shaul, G. Morris, S. Maraton, J. Goldberg and H. Bergman, False Detection Of Dynamic Changes In Pallidal Neuron Interactions By The Joint Peri-Stimulus Histogram Method, The Basal Ganglia VII, Advances in behavioral biology, Vol 52, editors: Louise F.B. Nicholson and Richard L.M. Faull, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Chapter 20, pp 181-190, 2002

Joshua M., Elias S., Levine O. and Bergman H. Quantifying the isolation quality of extracellularly rcorded action potentials. J Neurosci Methods 2007 Jul 30; vol. 163, pp. 267-82[PDF]

Rea Mitelman, Avital Adler, Mati Joshua and Hagai Bergman A noninvasive, fast and inexpensive tool for the detection of eye open/closed state in primates. Journal of Neuroscience Methods,  April 15, 2009, 178(2):350-356 [PDF]

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